Our company has complex NPK fertilizers that will make your crops perfect. NPK fertilizer or fertilizer, as its name indicates, is a fertilizer or fertilizer that is made up of the three elements or, rather, primary macroelements. These macroelements are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).
Within the entire range of fertilizers available, we can say that NPK fertilizers are the most complete nutritionally speaking, since the three main essential macronutrients are provided to the crop or plant at the same time of application.
We have specific products for each type of soil and crop, since each one is different. Therefore, the necessary fertilizer varies significantly, as does the ability to develop any type of formula that our clients demand. Likewise, we adapt to the needs and demands of customers, manufacturing these products in the time necessary so that their cultivation can produce good plants and food.
The most advanced solutions for your cultivation
What does NPK mean in a fertilizer?
NPK is an acronym that refers to the essential nutrients found in fertilizers: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients belong to the group of macronutrients and basic nutrients, and are necessary for the growth and development of plants.
This makes NPK fertilizers the most nutritionally complete, since they provide the main nutrients to the crop or plant.
Depending on the type of crop or plants, it will be necessary to use an NPK fertilizer or another. That is why it is so important that before buying fertilizers we know the nutritional requirements of each plant. This allows us to choose the correct fertilizer, with the right combination for your needs.
What is each nutrient used for in an NPK fertilizer?
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are primary nutrients. Therefore they are required in relatively large quantities. While secondary nutrients are needed in a smaller amount and micronutrients in very small amounts.
However, this does not mean that micronutrients are less important, since a deficiency in them can be as limiting in the crop as a deficiency in macronutrients.
The role of nitrogen in the crop
- Nitrogen (N) is an essential engine for plant growth and development. It helps produce proteins and amino acids necessary for the growth and development of leaves.
- Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrate (NO3 – ) or ammonium (NH4 +).
- Nitrogen is part of the main development processes of plants and their performance.
The role of phosphorus in NPK fertilizers
- Nitrogen (N) is an essential engine for plant growth and development. It helps produce proteins and amino acids necessary for the growth and development of leaves.
Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrate (NO3 – ) or ammonium (NH4 +).
Nitrogen is part of the main development processes of plants and their performance.
The role of phosphorus in NPK fertilizers
Phosphorus, represented by the letter ‘P’ is needed for energy production and the formation of nucleic acids in plants. - It is important for root growth and plant flowering. For these reasons, phosphorus is essential for the process of photosynthesis and other chemical-physiological processes of plants.
- Crops need this nutrient from the beginning to the end of the crop. However, most soils have limited amounts of phosphorus. That is why its contribution through fertilizers is so important.
The role of potassium
- Nitrogen (N) is an essential engine for plant growth and development. It helps produce proteins and amino acids necessary for the growth and development of leaves.
- Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrate (NO3 – ) or ammonium (NH4 +).
- Nitrogen is part of the main development processes of plants and their performance.
When should I use an NPK fertilizer?
NPK fertilizers can be used at any time during plant growth. Although it is recommended to use them when the plants are in an active growth stage.
It is also important to take into account the type of plant you are growing and its nutrient requirement. Some plants need more nitrogen, while others need more phosphorus or potassium. That’s why it’s important to read fertilizer labels and follow instructions for use to ensure you’re providing your plants with the nutrients they need in the right amounts.
How are NPK fertilizers used?
NPK fertilizers are applied to soil to provide plants with the nutrients necessary for their growth and development. This is generally done at the time of planting or at the time of irrigation. NPK fertilizers can also be applied as a liquid solution for faster absorption.
Where to buy NPK fertilizers online
At CK Fertilizers, we produce specific products for each type of soil and crop, because each one is different. We have all kinds of fertilizers, from liquid fertilizers, powder fertilizers, organic fertilizers, regular fertilizers, customized and regular fertilizers.