We offer you the most complete conventional fertilizers on the market. Our company has conventional nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and sulfated iron and magnesium fertilizers to improve and increase the performance of your productions.
Complete range of conventional solid water-soluble fertilizers , which allows you to supply all the necessary nutrients for plants through fertigation or foliar application.
This type of fertilizer is characterized by having a lower cost and, being very soluble in the soil solution, providing rapid availability of nutrients for plants .
We are National Fertilizers company based in Spain
You can find the products you need as we present them based on the needs of farmers. In this way, we are a company in Andalusia that stands out for its good service, but also for its large catalog of fertilizers packaged in bags and big-bags, CK, nitrogenous, complex, phosphate and potassium.
We want you to get the best products and for your crop to turn out as you expect, resulting in a great harvest.

exclusive brand-With excellent products

Our products are manufactured in Granada and our sales office is in Malaga.

Close contact with us to develop the best products for your crops.
All you need to know
What are Nitrogen Fertilizers?
Nitrogen fertilizers are essential to maintain and increase high crop yields. Nitrogen fertilizers are those to which nitrogen or compounds derived from it are incorporated. Plants absorb nitrogen directly from the soil from decomposition remains through a process called mineralization.
The main Nitrogen Fertilizers
The main nitrogenous fertilizers are urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonia and ammonium sulfate. These must be applied in the appropriate amount for the crop to have good performance. The composition of nitrogen fertilizers allows them to be applied only once as a cover fertilizer in many crops.
What are they used for?
Nitrogen fertilizers are used to promote plant growth and improve their cellular structure. In addition, they increase leaf area and promote the activation of the cells responsible for photosynthesis.
Composition : 21% N AMMONIACAL
Composition: 21% N AMMONIACAL
Composition: 46% N AMIDE
Presentation: GRANULATED
Composition: 46% N AMIDE
Presentation: GRANULATED
– 17.25% AMMONIA N
– 17.25% NITRIC N
– 13.5% AMMONIA N
– 13.5% NITRIC N
Presentation: GRANULATED
All you need to know
What are phosphate fertilizers?
Phosphate fertilizers are recommended for saline soils and for calcium-demanding crops. Its application is recommended during winter or spring. Lime superphosphates, in addition to providing phosphorus to crops and microorganisms, facilitate the solubility of the potash contained in soil particles.
Application form:
- Fertilizer for application in seedbeds.
- Due to its calcium sulfate content, it is very suitable for saline soils and for calcium-demanding crops.
- They must be applied in advance of planting and buried to place them within reach of the roots.
- They are constituents of mixing or blending fertilizers.
What are they used for?
Nitrogen fertilizers are used to promote plant growth and improve their cellular structure.
In addition, they increase leaf area and promote the activation of the cells responsible for photosynthesis.
Composition: 18% P2O5
Presentation: GRANULATED
Composition: 18% P2O5
Presentation: POWDER
Composition: 45% P2O5
Presentation: GRANULATED
All you need to know
What are potassium fertilizers?
Potassium fertilizers are predominantly water-soluble salts.
Potassium (K) is one of the essential nutrients for plant growth.
It is absorbed by the roots in its ionic form (K+) and remains in this way within the plants, participating in different biochemical and metabolic processes.
It is considered a general activator of metabolism by neutralizing acid radicals, being a stimulant of cell division, and acting as an osmoregulator within cells, especially in the guard cells of the stomata for their opening and closing.
What are they used for?
Potassium is vital to plant growth and development processes,
and not only increases crop yields, but also benefits many aspects of crop quality.
Therefore, the application of potassium brings about high value agricultural products and maximum economic returns for farmers.
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